Happy New year 2022. I pray that this year will be a year of effective prayers and fasting in your life. Our first discussion this year is fasting.
Fasting is an ancient practice, yet it is not uncommon today. It is done for several reasons. Fasting for medical reasons is common. Activists can use it as a political tool to influence a change. It is common in several religions and in the world of occultism.
Our discussion here, will be centred exclusively on fasting in the Christian faith.
Before we continue, I appeal to you to give your life to Jesus Christ if you haven’t. Read and pray audibly with the prayer on this page
Reasons for prayers today amongst Christians, include prayers regarding unfaithful husbands or wives, healing, financial breakthrough, unforgiveness, varieties of family issues, need for deliverance from curses and Divine guidance.
Many Christians do fast at the beginning of every year. Some fast during the last month of the year. This month can be called a fasting season.
The time set for fasting is a time to TURN AWAY FROM food entities TO GOD for closer intimacy.
What can be greater than closer intimacy with God? Adam and Eve enjoyed the closest intimacy with God more than any resident creature on our planet (Genesis 1-2). They lost it through a transgression of eating (eating the forbidden fruit) (Genesis 3:1-6). The Last Adam, Jesus Christ, kept abstaining from food in spite of satan’s suggestion to transgress in eating (eating at the forbidden time) (Matthew 4:1-4). He maintained His intimacy with God, the Father.
I want you to think deeply on this issue of intimacy with God, regardless of what may be your motive(s) for fasting. Make intimacy with God, the primary purpose and any other thing, secondary. Why?
In His Presence there is ‘fullness of joy’ and at His right hand ‘there are pleasures forevermore’ (Psalms 16:11 AMPC). Common English Bible translation puts it this way:
‘You teach me the way of life. In your presence is total celebration. Beautiful things are always in your right hand’.
Are they not the things you are fasting for? Who has the answer? Who has the final say? Is it not Jehovah?
Come closer to Him. Come with your prayer and fasting. He wants you.
Happy New Year.
Write us.
Dr Cornelius Idowu
Copyright Worldwide School of Christian Empowerment